Figure out what makes you happy!


Tips & Recommendations to help you figure out what makes YOU happy (not your parents, friends, or partner)


Money-saving ideas because buying ish that doesn't actually make you happy is expensive!


Expert Advice to avoid the $18,000 thought-it-would-make-me-happy mistake I made

How To Use Envy As A Tool (Yes, For Real)

How To Use Envy As A Tool (Yes, For Real)

  I’m scrolling through Instagram as I wait for my coffee to brew when I’m hit by a wave of envy - mouth twisting, eye-narrowing, I-should-click-away envy. I stare at my screen, fantasizing about the day I can do what this woman does. I feel...

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Can you put a price tag on a habit?

Can you put a price tag on a habit?

Seven years ago, I found a cockroach floating in my coffee cup. At the time, I was working as an ESL teacher in a crumbling building in a not-particularly-great neighborhood. Our receptionist’s computer was stolen off her desk in the middle of a...

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Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

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